Most education in the US is digital
Learning how to use a computer if you are blind isn’t easy.
The mission of the Blind Education Foundation is to fund specialized technology classes for blind children so they can learn to access their educational materials. Most school districts in the US do not provide this instruction.
The Blind Education Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization that supports blind children in Northern California by financing their enrollment in virtual technology classes specifically designed for blind students.
The classes are taught in real time by a US-based company, Tech Vision, which teaches technology skills to blind students worldwide.
One of the challenges faced by blind children in school is accessing today’s computerized digital educational materials.
Teachers in the US are not trained to teach blind students computer use.
Without instruction on computer use, how can a blind student get or complete assignments?
The goal of the Blind Education Foundation is to raise funds for blind students in Northern California to attend specialized, virtual technology classes for blind students. Classes are taught in real-time by teachers at Tech Vision, a US-based company. This will enable blind students to succeed academically and in the workplace.
Teachers in the US are not trained to teach blind students computer use. Most assignments in school are now computerized.
Without instruction on computer use, how can a blind student get or complete digital assignments?
Accessing today’s digital educational content is impossible if you are not able to use a computer. If teachers can’t teach blind children computer use, how do they learn?
The goal of the Blind Education Foundation is to raise funds for blind students in Northern California to attend virtual classes at Tech Vision, a company providing specialized training in technology and math for the blind. So they can succeed academically and in the workplace.